Southbury Food Bank
- 88 Main St S, Southbury, CT - 06488
- (203) 721-0377
- Official Site
Get Directions
Contact them and they will schedule an appointment for your initial shopping visit (usually within 48 hours).
At that time, they will review their program in detail and you will shop for the first time in a private setting.
They will answer any questions you may have, and assign you a shopping day and time for future visits.
Mission Statement
Southbury Women's Club combines the talents and interests of our members in order to enrich the community. Through club-sponsored projects and events, as well as collaboration with local support organizations, we raise awareness of local need, demonstrate the importance of community service, and improve the quality of life for those in need. Within a culture of friendship and respect, we recognize that our club's success is a product of our collective efforts, both large and small." *
*From the Southbury Food Bank website