Middleburg United Methodist Church - Food Bridge
- 3925 Main Street, Middleburg, FL - 32068
- (904) 282-5589
- middleburgunited@bellsouth.net
- Official Site
Get Directions
Hours of operation:
Every Thursday
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Call 904-631-2024 if you want to volunteer
at the Burlington building.
The numbers are given in
8:00 am
(meat, dry goods, vegetables, fruits and dairy products)
Food is provided to anyone in need and is less than 20% of income after bills are deducted.
Must have a national identification, proof of address and a social security card.
They are really here to share the love of Christ with you, the food is just to get you here.
God bless you.
For more information, please call them.