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Riverside City Mission provides approximately 20 meals of food supply.

Assistance is limited to once a month.

Orders are taken on the 3rd Friday of the month and are generally delivered on the 4th Saturday of the month.

Free clothing assistance up to 20 pieces for Women, 10 pieces for men, 10 pieces for children is given.

Donations are welcome for clothing, small household objects and other miscellaneous items.

Hot meals served on Easter.

Target Populations:    

Homeless People, Low Income


Food boxes are generally delivered on the 4th Saturday of the month. 

Information will be given at time of monthly application.

Hours Intake:

Thursday @ 9:00am to 11:00am.


Intakes are done by telephone on Thursdays, 9:00am to 11:00am.                                 

Applications are renewed on a monthly basis.


People over 18: California Identification, or Driver's License, Social Security Card,Proof of Income (if applicable), Rent/Lease Agreement (if applicable), Mortgage Contract (if applicable).

People under 18:  Birth Certificate, Social Security Card.


No fees charged.

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