The Lighthouse Food Pantry
- 4780 Duanesburg Road, Princetown, NY - 12056
- (518) 355-2277
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Pantry Opening Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Appointments are not required but are encouraged.
Please call and leave your name and phone number.
Calls are returned on the days when we are open.
Someone will answer you to make an appointment or answer your questions.
Please bring proof of your current address and plastic or recyclable bag to use when shopping.
The pantry regularly offers cereal, canned goods, rice, meat, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
We also try to provide other essential items such as coffee, sugar, paper products, hair, and personal care and cleaning products.
You can get food from our pantry once every three months, fruits and vegetables once a month.