Asbury United Methodist Church


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What is ARM?

Asbury Relief Ministry in Denton, Texas (ARM) is a foodpantry for those in need of emergency food aid.
The ARM is open to anyone living in the North Texas area, not just the town of Denton.
They are open to receive clients in their two times until they reach the 30-household limit.  Households can receive assistance 6 times in the calendar year and must bring photo identification with them.
No other forms of identification, proof of income or proof of residence are required.
History of the Asbury Relief Ministry
ARM has been working in church buildings since the 1980s.
Born out of the pastor's office and the Emergency Pastor's Foundation in a weekly operation averages 30 volunteers.

Hours of operation:

10:00 am - 12:00 pm ,6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Are needed to help clients on Mondays morning and evening.
Volunteers are also required Friday morning to stock the pantry from the weekly pickup from the Tarrant County Food Bank.
Those volunteers are usually needed about 2 hours on Friday mornings, starting around 10:00 am.
If they would like to volunteer for one of these times, they should contact the ARM volunteer coordinator.


Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and used for gas in respect of and from the Ft Food Bank.
It's worth every Friday.
It is also used to buy their food from the food bank for about 20 cents per pound.
When the food bank has no items they deem necessary, they will order food from grocery stores at regular prices.
They also buy toiletries and hygiene items.

All donated food products are accepted:

Canned goods, products, meats, dairy products, pantry staples and toilet/hygiene products.
They do not distribute clothing or appliances and do not accept such donations.

Monetary or food donations:

Canned Vegetables: Corn, Green Beans, English Peas, Mixed Vegetables
Canned meat
Peanut Butter
Pasta sauce.

For more information, please call them.

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