Night of Hope-Celebration Church


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The Night of Hope takes place.
Hours of operation:
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm on 4th Wednesday of each month.
They offer free groceries, hot meals, hairstyles, clothing, medical screenings, benefits assistance, spa services, clothing repair, community service organizations and more.
Upcoming dates for 2017: March 22, April 26., April 24, May 28, June 26, July 23, August 27, September 25, October 29, November and December 27.
Night of Hope is a monthly event that shows the love of Jesus for the community, meeting tangible needs while providing a support system for them to grow personally and spiritually.
Their goal of Night of Hope is to help people get out of anxious situations and transition into a safe life.
They are guided by Hebrews 6:19: They have this hope as an anchor for the soul...

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